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Dental prosthetics Zadar

Dental prosthetics is a branch of dentistry that deals with replacing a greater or smaller number of lost teeth, as well as complex oral rehabilitations. In the case of losing a large number of teeth, over time, many disorders occur in the position of the remaining teeth, leading to the loss of correct vertical and horizontal jaw relationships, stable and secure occlusion. The remaining teeth tilt, shift, and move. There is a shortening of the lower third of the face, the jaw joint changes its position, and orthopedic instability occurs, causing pain in the joint and jaw muscles, difficulty chewing, and general dysfunction of the stomatognathic system.

Prosthetic rehabilitation aims to preserve or restore the optimal function of the masticatory system. Today, it is inseparable from aesthetic dentistry, as all prosthetic restorations, in addition to functionality, also aim to improve the patient's appearance.

Dental prosthetics includes:

  • Fixed crowns and bridges
  • Partial acrylic and metal dentures
  • So-called combined works, i.e., fixed bridges or crowns to which partial dentures are attached using connectors that enable an "invisible" connection between the denture and the teeth
  • Overdentures placed on a few remaining teeth or roots (telescopes, bars, locators, root caps, etc.)
  • Implant-supported crowns and bridges

Prosthetic therapy is planned individually, depending on the patient's clinical condition, and materials and procedures are chosen based on the situation and the patient's needs. When selecting a therapy, we always strive to propose an optimal solution that will function for many years and provide satisfactory aesthetics. The expertise and experience of our therapists, as well as the proximity of the dental laboratory, guarantee the quality of our work.

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