The branch of dental medicine that deals with the diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases, injuries, and deformities of the oral cavity, teeth, and jaws is called oral surgery.
The most common procedures performed in oral surgery include tooth extractions, root apex surgeries (also known as apicoectomy), implant placement, treatment of oral cavity injuries, removal of oral tumors, cystectomy, bone grafting, and more.
The goal of oral surgery is to diagnose and treat diseases, injuries, and irregularities of the oral cavity in order to improve the patient's quality of life and preserve oral health.
Have questions? Contact us confidently via the contact form or by phone at +385 23 632 061, and schedule your appointment on time.
Krajnji primatelj ļ¬nancijskog instrumenta suļ¬nanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa "Konkurentnost i kohezija".