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Our dental technology

We use the latest technologies to ensure a high standard of dental services: dental X-ray/RVG, Vatech EzSensor and ESX, OMS Universal Top dental unit, KaVo handpieces, Cattani surgical aspirator, LCD 19 medical monitor, Faro 742500 autoclave B, Frios Si Dentsply Friadent surgical physiodispenser for implantology, Ostell ISQ implant stability meter, Artex CR articulator, Orascoptic optical loupes, etc.

CAD/CAM technology stands for Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing, meaning computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing.

It has been used for many years across various industries requiring high precision production. Today, in dentistry, it is employed in the creation of prosthetic restorations (veneers, inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, customized abutments in implant prosthetics, etc.).

CAD/CAM technology enables high precision, individualization of prosthetic restorations, and short production times.


  • PRECISION MANUFACTURING and a perfect fit of the restoration on the prepared tooth, minimizing the risk of caries and diseases caused by bacteria penetrating the gap between the tooth and the restoration
  • ability to visualize the final appearance of the tooth
  • natural look
  • fast production

The CAD/CAM system is by the renowned company SIRONA DENTSPLY.

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