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Dental prosthesis Zadar

Patients with complete or partial tooth loss, and for whom fixed solutions are not an option, are recommended to have dentures made. Informally, patients often refer to them as false teeth.

Dentures are removable replacements for lost teeth. The process involves an assessment of the oral cavity by a dentist, taking impressions, creating a model, testing the dentures, and adapting them to fit properly.

Patients must follow instructions for proper use and maintenance of their dentures.

For partial tooth loss, the creation of partial dentures is recommended, while for complete tooth loss, full (complete) dentures are made. The materials used can vary, affecting the cost.

Dental dentures can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, providing not only the necessary support for proper chewing and speaking but also a natural and comfortable appearance that boosts the patient’s confidence.

Have questions? Contact us with confidence via the contact form or by phone at +385 23 632 061, and schedule your appointment on time.

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